Communication is everywhere. We may first think of formal media - like the one you're reading now - but everything has the ability to send messages that help us make meaning from our world.

Here you'll read about the myriad ways people transmit, receive and interact with information in all aspects of our lives. So drop in, and hang out for a spell. Better still, join the conversation: submit your comment using the "Comments" link at the end of each post.

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Once the label's off it's all dog's breakfast

As with many couples, my husband and I each have a few habits that drive the other nuts. We've been a couple for almost 20 years, and fortunately, we've retained our ability to tolerate being annoyed by one another for the sake of the positive parts of our relationship.

One of those things that makes me crazy is that, once food has been put into refrigerator containers (notice I avoided using the popular brand name!), food in our fridge becomes persona non grata to him.

Being overly practical, as I noted in my last post, I don't like to waste things. And it's hard to buy food in the exact quantities you need. Plus, I don't like eating out too often - both packaging and an empty wallet irk me.

So if there's leftover food in the fridge, I try to bring it for lunch or eat it again for a day or two. For my husband, the same food ends up as a biology project.

Yesterday, we figured it out. He forgets about food in the fridge unless it's been bought recently...and STILL HAS ITS LABEL (all caps intended - it freaked me out that much).

He's often thought we had "no food!", when I could see lots of possibilities in the fridge and cupboards. It turns out that, besides not loving the idea of leftovers, he's got the mental model that food is not as appetizing when it is not packaged.

Thank g*d he doesn't feel that way about women =:->

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