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Branded holidays: chocolate Dora

I keep trying to get off this subject, but keep being given more fodder for my battle against the Brandish Invasion.

Th Easter holiday just came through our home, via chocolate confection and new spring clothes for our daughter, K. We observe Passover, too, and both holidays came during the same week this year.

The pictured chocolate Dora arrived via K's grandmother, my mom. You see it in it's partially-eaten form.

Everyone knows we can choose from many shapes molded from chocolate each year. Even when I was a kid, there were chocolate Bugs Bunnies, aside the more traditional, "generic" ones. Now, there's likely more selection between characters. I like to think there are still just as many kids who are just happy to have a huge piece of chocolate to devour, and therefore don't care that they don't recognize the bunny or chicken (not that it matters, since within seconds it will likely be missing an ear).

In explaining my current brand bugaboo, the photo doesn't do the job I'd hoped it would do - my husband ate the part I really wanted to photograph. This part was the back side of the chocolate Dora. Engraved into the back - before David at it! - were the year and trademark information for the Dora character. My daughter's Easter treat had quite literally been branded.

The proverbial (cash) cow for the nice folks at Nick Jr., even this rendering of the beloved Dora had to remind us that someone had created her. If we as humans did this, I'd be walking around with my mom's name and the year I was born carved into my back.

I would have liked to ask K if she'd noticed the letters and numbers on Dora's back. But then, she wasn't all that concerned about biting off Dora's feet straight away. So I think (and hope) the branding would have escaped her, too.

p.s. Apologies if this photo ends up dwarfing my post - first time adding one!

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1 comment:

Laura said...


I could not agree more with you, it seems what was once important events in our lives as children, Passover, Easter, Christmas & Hanukah for example, we as the adults have become fodder for the Disney's and Nick Jr's of this world. I have a problem with religious item bearing the faces of Dora, Sponebob, Barbie and so on.

It seems that the children of today, (through no fault of there own) are missing out on what these holiday's are supposed to represent. Everything is so commercial today.
I think it's sad.
