Communication is everywhere. We may first think of formal media - like the one you're reading now - but everything has the ability to send messages that help us make meaning from our world.

Here you'll read about the myriad ways people transmit, receive and interact with information in all aspects of our lives. So drop in, and hang out for a spell. Better still, join the conversation: submit your comment using the "Comments" link at the end of each post.

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The Brandish Invasion - the saga continues

This past Saturday was my daughter's third birthday. Her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were all here. By the time they'd left, more than ten items bearing the image of Dora the Explorer had entered the building, along with a few of cohorts Winnie the Pooh (Disney version, natch), Pixar's Nemo and Thomas the Tank Engine.

I cannot write a long blog this week - too busy figuring out where all this stuff is going to go. Also, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, from here on in we'll be strategizing about how to influence the buying tendencies of our family so that our household is not so overwhelmed by the invasion of marketing in future.

(And for the environmental and anti-consumer movements - group I am beginning to identify with - this move will help cut down on the amount of new plastic and packaging that are created while these items are produced.) Garage sales and barter exchanges, here we come!

Anything to reduce the amount of physical and spiritual junk we end up having to manage, including the impact on our daughter. We want her to understand that life is about much more than recognizing your favourite cartoon characters on everything you own.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Good luck with getting that clutter under control. My own experience is that it builds up to amazing proportions, which only get reduced when you pack up and move to another house entirely!

Good to see the blog up and running. Welcome to the blogosphere!